Saturday, March 27, 2010

Prayers are answered again

Leah and I want to thank all of our family and friends for praying for us. God is great and he is listening! Yesterday was probably one of the best days we have had as parents of Beau and Dax. To get the news that he is completely clear of any head issues has really lifted our spirits. Our doctor, Sami, told us that the first head-scan could have been a mistake or Beau along with God and tons of prayer could have worked it out on his own. I choose to believe the power of prayer along with him being a tough little dude got it done. So now that we can breathe again...

They are both continuing to grow. As most of you know, they are now free of the CPAPS and are breathing on their own. Their feedings seem to increase every few days and they are putting on weight. They are both weighing roughly 3.5lbs!!! The doctors continue to tell us they are doing as well as can be expected for their age. We still have a long way to go but we are very excited about bringing them home one day soon. Thanks again for all of the support. We love you.

God Bless,



  1. What wonderful news and yes God is good and does answer prayers. We are with you guys in heart and mind and wish only the best. We love you.
    Lonnie & Susan

  2. You do not know me, but I am an old friend of Luann's. I have been following you guys via her blog and yours as well. I just wanted you guys to know we are praying for you and those beautiful baby boys of yours!! They are precious! Kris Thacker
